The new grades 5 to 9 school is situated near an existing residential and recreational neighbourhood making it an important landmark and support building for the town. An integrated design process involving charrettes with client group participation helped all stakeholders blend the goals of the school with the master plan for this area.
The building is designed to be sensitive to its site by integrating adjacent walking trails into the new development and extending a pre-existing greenbelt. Brick and glass are used to create a durable, well-lit building conducive to learning and designed to last generations.
This project is not without challenges, it required the team to evaluate multiple sites, and work with both the stakeholders and the town to resolve land ownership and design. We paid close attention to the respective priorities of each stakeholder including providing barrier free access to the Town’s soccer field complex. Despite the challenges the school was tendered well below the established construction budget.
The project is anticipated to achieve LEED certification.